Essential Resources for Teaching Health Communication in Schools

Health communication is an integral part of a well-rounded education, empowering students to understand and convey critical health information. Schools play a pivotal role in this educational process, and having access to quality resources can make a significant difference. Here are ten essential resources for teaching health communication in schools, each designed to help educators build a comprehensive and effective health education program.

National Health Education Standards (NHES)

The National Health Education Standards (NHES) provide a robust framework for health education, outlining what students should know and be able to do to promote personal, family, and community health. These standards emphasize the importance of practical communication skills in health education and provide clear benchmarks for educators to follow.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Resources

The CDC offers a wealth of materials specifically geared toward health education. Their resources include lesson plans, fact sheets, and interactive tools that help students understand and communicate health information. The CDC’s resources are evidence-based and regularly updated, ensuring that the information is both accurate and relevant.


MedlinePlus, a service of the National Library of Medicine, provides a comprehensive collection of health information that can be used in educational settings. It includes easy-to-understand materials on a wide range of health topics, which can help students learn how to access and interpret health information effectively.

Health Literacy Online

Health Literacy Online is a guide created by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to help educators and health professionals create effective online health communication. The guide provides strategies for teaching students how to find, understand, and use health information from online sources, a critical skill in today’s digital age.

KidsHealth in the Classroom

KidsHealth in the Classroom offers free, educator-reviewed lesson plans and activities on various health topics. These resources are designed to engage students and help them develop the skills needed to communicate health information clearly and accurately. The materials are aligned with national health education standards and are suitable for different grade levels.

American Medical Association (AMA) Health Literacy Materials

The AMA provides a range of materials aimed at improving health literacy. These resources include practical tips for effective communication, tools for evaluating health information, and guidelines for developing health education programs. Educators can use these materials to teach students how to communicate health information effectively and make informed health decisions.

The Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3)

The HC3 project offers resources and tools designed to improve health communication and behavior change. Their materials include toolkits, training manuals, and case studies that can be used to enhance health education programs. These resources emphasize the importance of strategic communication in health promotion and can help students understand the impact of effective health communication.


TeachAids creates high-quality, research-based health education materials that are available for free. Their resources cover critical health topics like HIV/AIDS and concussion prevention, using engaging multimedia formats to communicate complex information effectively. These materials can be an excellent addition to any health education curriculum, helping students understand and communicate important health messages.

Media Literacy Project

The Media Literacy Project provides resources to help educators teach students how to analyze media messages, including those related to health critically. By developing media literacy skills, students can better understand the sources and intentions behind health information they encounter in various media. This critical thinking ability is essential for effective health communication.

National Institutes of Health (NIH) Educational Resources

The NIH offers a wide array of educational resources that cover numerous health topics. These materials include lesson plans, interactive activities, and videos that can be used to teach health communication. The NIH resources are designed to be accessible and engaging, helping students develop a strong foundation in health literacy and communication.

Teaching health communication in schools is crucial for developing health-literate individuals who can navigate the complexities of health information and make informed decisions. Utilizing these ten essential resources can help educators create a comprehensive and engaging health education program that empowers students with the knowledge and skills they need. By incorporating these tools into their teaching, educators can foster a generation of students who are not only knowledgeable about health but also capable of communicating health information effectively.


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